I started with the 9th song
I had already created a new fragment yesterday, but I wasn’t sure whether it would turn into a song or not. The fragment started out very dark and relatively “psychedelic”, but I couldn’t compose any good additional layers. Today, after repeating the loop about 100 times, suddenly if created very good additional rhythms and melodies and after a short time it was clear that this would be a new song.
This should actually be the last song I need for a new album, but since my new sound knowledge and restructuring of my synthesiser I am so enthusiastic about the new possibilities that I am not sure whether I will not compose another song afterwards to possibly replace the 2nd – which seems rather banal to me compared to the newer ones.
But even if this will be the last song for the new album, that doesn’t mean that I’ll start right away to call my friends to write the lyrics and finish the album. The experiences I made with the new songs still have to be transferred to the other songs. I would like to make the bass lines more complex according to my new principles.